With Life Loan Insurance, one can insure the repayment of the loan payable against any unexpected life-concerning risks for all sorts of loans offered by Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası.
In the event of the death of the person using the loan, excluding taking their own lives, one can cover the payable amount of the total loan through the Death by Maturity or Death by Accident Assurances.
In the event that the loan is wholly paid while the insured person is still alive and if dies during the insurance term, an assurance amount as much as the total loan amount is paid to the legal successors of the Insured Person.
Insurance Premium:
The payable premium is annual and may be subject to change as per the currency of the loan and the age of the Insured Person.
Insurance Duration:
Life Loan Insurance has a duration of 1 year. However, in cases where the loan exceeds a year, it can be renewed annually. These renewals can be made until 65 years of age.
For example:
For TRY Loan , 30 years of age Insured Person and 20.000 TL loan amount;
There is an annual insurance premium as 77,80TL.
For FC Loan, 30 years of age Insured Person and $10,000 loan amount
There is an annual insurance premium as $40,20.