Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank was established in Limassol in 1939, is an organization that is adopted in every aspect, makes a superior effort to achieve success and leads the banking sector. Our most valuable asset, which provides our bank’s product and service diversity on the basis of customer satisfaction; It is our human resources. It makes us proud to have human resources that embrace the banking profession, take it forward, and enrich our bank with sustainable service quality. We define the work carried out regarding our employees in our bank and our teammates who play a role in these works as “Human Resources”.
Importance of Human Resources Function:
All human resources processes are carried out in line with our bank’s strategic goals, corporate culture and employee expectations. Primarily employee satisfaction and motivation, selection-placement, training and development, career planning, performance management, organizational development, etc. processes are carried out by our Human Resources Department. With the valuable opinions and contributions of department managers and branch managers, it is aimed for our bank to achieve long-term gains. It is aimed to meet economic, social and psychological needs, to make existing competencies usable at the maximum level, and at the same time to overlap individual goals and corporate goals. The Human Resources Department serves as the strategic business partner of our bank.
Human Resources Policy:
Our focus at our bank is; is human. First of all, our bank’s goals are clearly shared with all our employees, ensuring team harmony towards the same goal. Our aim is to continue our path with happy, productive employees in positions appropriate to their competencies and experience, and to achieve our goals. Basic Principles of Our Human Resources Policy:
Ensuring the employment of suitable employees for the job in our organization where job descriptions are clear,
Keeping employee productivity, effectiveness and motivation at the highest level,
Realization of the Training Plan prepared in line with the training needs that are renewed every year, within the year,
Ensuring that all our employees have a peaceful and happy working environment,
To fully provide our employees with their material and moral rights and to continuously improve them,
To improve employee and manager relations through an open communication environment,
To create opportunities for our employees through Talent Management and Career Management.
The Importance of Selection and Placement:
Our guides in our selection-placement processes are; These are our job descriptions and competency maps. The general qualifications and job requirements needed for each position have been determined, and we take care to employ individuals who can represent our bank and adapt to our corporate culture. We open our doors to professionals who are experts in their fields, have knowledge of business processes and who we think will add value to our bank, as well as young people who have received training in the banking sector and aim for a career in banking. Our bank’s job application conditions;
Being a TRNC citizen,
Being over 18 years old,
Being at least a high school graduate or equivalent, preferably a Bachelor’s degree,
Not to be deprived of public rights,
Having a clean record (not having committed a disgraceful crime or acting immorally),
For male candidates, having completed military service,
To prove that there is no obstacle to work, with a medical report,
For experienced candidates, it is to have knowledge, skills and positive references in the field.
Individuals who meet all of the above conditions will need to complete the application form below and send it to the e-mail address ik@limasolbank.com.tr along with a photocopy of their diploma and 1 passport-sized photograph. All CVs are carefully examined, recorded in our candidate database and evaluated as needed.