This Agreement is conducted to operate future exchange transactions for a certain amount of foreign currency over rate identified at that current time. Forward buys and sells exchange operations can be conducted for a currency type into Turkish lira or any other foreign currency.
Protection from the exchange risk.
High profit opportunity.
Opportunity to take position with not investing as principal.
Identifying the costs in advance.
Issued by Treasury of Republic of Türkiye, Treasury Bills are government debt securities with terms shorter than 1 year while Government Bonds are with terms longer than 1 year.
Guarantee of Treasury of Republic of Türkiye in reimbursement.
Easy buy and sell opportunities.
Converting to cash without waiting for the term end, thus indicating higher profit opportunity when compared to market conditions.
Income guarantee at the term end.
Precise recognition of the profit income while investing in advance.
No expenses.
Options are derivative instruments which provide rights for foreign currency exchanges over a price described in advance on a future term in exchange of a commission
It is not compulsory to carry out the operation for the party buying the right. The loss of the party in such case is the premiums paid. Profit potential is infinite.
Swap transactions are correspondent switches of the cash flows between two parties on a future date described in advance. Swap transactions express the switches of a receivable or debt, or an entity for another receivable, debt or another entity for a period of time.
Protection from the exchange risk.
Regulation of the cash flows.
Identifying the costs in advance.
For more detailed information on Treasury Fund Products, please pay a visit to the closest Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. branch.