Important Matters to Consider for Secure Use of Internet Banking
- Do not share your password with anyone including employees for Secure Internet Banking
- Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. does not request any financial information (account, client or credit card numbers) or personal information such as passwords at no circumstances or never sends e-mails leading to our website or Internet Branch.
- For your security, pay no attention to such emails and at cases when you receive such emails please inform our Bank through your Branch as soon as possible.
- For better use of secure internet, please keep scanning your computer or electronic devices with the latest updates of virus programmes and Anti-Trojan software along with using the latest version of your internet browsers.
- Please consider the following headlines for Secure Internet Banking and possible technical problems that might arise while using internet banking.
A. What is a Web Browser and Why We Use It?
- A web browser is a free of charge enabling us to view web pages and their contents as well as get into action and surf through the web pages. Browsers can belong to various brands. You can see the most commonly used web browsers and their logos in the following text.

The internet technologies rapidly develop over time, so as these programmes. A version is called a developed and expanded form of the browsers. Keeping your browser at the last updates facilitates to an easier reach to the web pages and a better and less problematic use of the newest technologies. We recommend you to seek technical assistance for uploading the latest version of your web browser to your computer.
B. Which browser do I need to use in order to access to Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking Systems and web pages?
We recommend you to use any of the following web browsers while logging into Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Branch and web pages. You may need to keep your web browsers updated or download the latest version before login.
- Internet Explorer 8.0 and Higher
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
C. What kind of software will I need in order to benefit from the Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking?
In order to benefit from the Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking, you will need a web browser. As our bank uses a special encryption (256 bytes) for ensuring a secure information flow, a web browser supporting this will definitely help: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome. We recommend you to use the latest version of the web browser.
D. How do I ensure that the web browser that I use is compatible with the use of the Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking.
If your web browser does;
- not support 256-byte encryption;
- not possess the latest security certificates: SSL 3.0, SSL 2.0, TSL 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0;
- not support activated JavaScript;
then, you will not be able to login to Internet Banking. Therefore, please follow the steps enlisted below to find out whether your web browser supports the above written requirements.
If you are using Internet Explorer;
- Select “Tools” on the Main Menu
- Select “Internet Options”.
- A window will pop and please select “Advanced” button. Then swipe the content to see “Security”.
- Beneath the “Security”, you will need to tick the boxes fronting “Use SSL 3.0” and “Use TLS 1.0 and/or 1.2 and/or 1.3”. Once you tick these boxes, the options will be activated.
If you are using Mozilla Firefox;
- Select “Tools” on the Main Menu
- Select “Options” from the menu steps
- A window will pop and please select “Advanced” button.
- Select “Encryption” and you will need to tick the boxes fronting “Use SSL 3.0” and “Use TLS 1.0 and/or 1.2 and/or 1.3”. Once you tick these boxes, the options will be activated.
If you are Using Google Chrome;
- Click on the “wrench” sign located on the right side of the address bar and open the Menu.
- Select “Options” from the menu window.
- Click on the “Advanced Options” on the pop-up window.
- Swipe to the content to see “Security” and you will need to tick the boxes fronting “Use SSL 2.0”. Once you tick this box, the options will be activated.
E. While trying to access the Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking, I keep seeing “Service not available” message
At times when internet traffic is hectic, it is possible to see this message due to intense use of our and/or your connection lines. Please be patient to wait for a while and try to login once more into the Internet Branch.
F. I manage to access the Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking page but in spite of writing my client number, password and SMS code correctly, I fail to login to my Internet Banking. What should I do?
If you cannot login to your Internet Banking although you reached to the web site; first, please ensure whether your browser supports SSL 3.0 256-bytes security feature. If you are using a browser not supporting SSL3.0 security, you will not be able to access further. And also, it is possible that you might not be able to login to the Internet Banking for a while due to intense use of the Internet Branch. Please be patient to wait for a while and try to login once more into the Internet Branch.

G. What do I need to do when I forget and/or lose my client number and/or password?
If you are a Personal or Corporate client, you can get assistance from the client representatives through dialling 444 LTKB (444 5852) at cases when you forget or lose your client number or password. Renewed passwords upon such requests, will be sent to your Branch. You can also convey your password renewal requests directly at your Branch.
H. What do I need to do when I receive an error message while trying to login into Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking?
You may get various error messages while logging into the Internet Branch. The error messages are mostly related with the browser-oriented problems. Therefore, first, you may want to check the compatibility of your web browser. If everything seems unproblematic with the browser, please dial 444 LTKB (444 5852) and inform the client consultants about the message you receive.
I. My computer automatically saves and writes my password while logging into Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking. I do not want to use this feature due to security reasons. What should I do?
When it is the first time of use a web page on a browser, the browser asks the user to use remember the passwords. If the browser receives a “yes” answer, the browser will remember the password at the next login. This is related with the browser entirely. In order to cancel such action for remembering a password on a browser; then one must remove the permission on the browser options and clear all passwords saves on the browser. To clear this feature on;
Internet Explorer;
- Select “Tools” Menu.
- Select “Internet Options” under the Tools Menu
- Click respectively on “Content”, “Auto Complete”, “Settings”.
- Unselect the “User names and passwords on forms” in the “Use AutoComplete for”
- In order to delete the previously saved passwords, click “Delete AutoComplete history”
- On the window, activate the “Passwords” headline by clicking on it.
- Click “Delete” to complete the action.
Mozilla Firefox;
- Select “Tools” menu.
- Click on the “Options” headline
- Select “Security” on the opening pop-up window.
- Unselect “Remember passwords for sites” box found in the “Passwords” frame.
- To delete all passwords previously saved, select “Saved passwords” button.
- You can select all passwords by clicking on their boxes and click “Delete”.
- To delete all at once, click on “Delete all”.
Google Chrome;
- Click on the “wrench” sign located on the right side of the address bar and open the Menu.
- Select “Options” on the menu frame.
- Select “Personal Items” on the window opened.
- Click on the “Passwords”, then, “Never save passwords”
- If you want to delete saved passwords, click on “Show passwords” under the same headline.
- You can delete your passwords one by one or wholly at once on the opened window.
- Select “Safari” headline on the main menu
- Click on the “Preferences”
- Click “Autofill” tab.
- You can cancel the “Usernames and passwords” option on the window opened.
To delete previously saved passwords, click on “Edit” fronting the option and delete passwords one by one or wholly at once.
J. How can I securely access to Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. web pages?
While connecting to the internet, we recommend you to pay attention to the following steps.
Access to LimasolBank’s web pages by writing on the address bar of your browser. You can add the website to the memory of your browser as “Favourite/Bookmark” and access it later easily.
We recommend not to access Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. web pages by clicking any link found on other web pages other than corporate web pages accredited by our bank.
There is a key or a lock icon at the bottom of your browser window, which opens after you click on the Internet Branch login icon ask requires client number and password. When you click on that icon, you can reach to the security certificate of the web page.
K. Previously, I had no problem with reaching the web page of Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank Ltd. Internet Banking. However, today I could not reach after many attempts. What should I do?
You may need to delete the saved documents from the memory of your computer due to previous web page visits. So if you are using;
Internet Explorer;
- Select “Tools” menu
- Select “Internet Options” among the sub-menu tabs from the window opened.
- Select “General”
- See “Browsing History” and click “Delete browsing history on exit”
- Click “OK” button.
Mozilla Firefox;
- Select “Tools” main menu
- Select “Option among the sub-menu tabs from the window opened.
- A pop-up window will appear. Select “Privacy”
- Activate the button by clicking on “Delete history on exit Firefox” found under the history headline.
- Click “OK” button and restart Firefox.
Google Chrome;
- Click on the “wrench” sign located on the right side of the address bar and open the Menu.
- Select “Options” on the menu window.
- Select “Under the Hood” tab on the frame.
- Click on the “Clear browsing data” among the options.
- You will see “Empty Cache” button and leave it selected.
- Complete deleting by clicking “Clear browsing data” button.
- Select “Safari” headline on the main menu. (Select “Edit” if you are using a PC)
- Select “Empty Cache” on the window opened.
- On the confirmation window, complete the action by selecting “Empty” button.
After these steps, please restart your browser.
If you are receiving JavaScript Error Message and cannot proceed with your actions, you will need to check the JavaScript settings of your Browser. Therefore, if you are using;
Internet Explorer (“Edge” by the new name);
- Select “Tools” on the menu bar of your browser
- Select “Options”
- Select “Security” in the Options window
- See “Zone” and select “Internet” icon.
- Click on the “Custom level”
- Find “Scripting”
- And select respectively;
- Active Scripting > Allow Paste Operations via Script > Scripting of Java Operations > Enable
- Close all tabs after clicking “OK” and refresh your page.
Mozilla Firefox;
- Select “Tools” from the Menu bar
- Select “Options”
- Select “Content” icon from the window opened.
- Activate all selections;
- Show images
- Enable JavaScript
- Enable Java
Google Chrome;
- Click on the Chrome Menu on the Chrome icon on the search bar.
- Select “Settings”
- Click on the “Advanced Settings”
- Go to “Privacy”, then to “Content Settings”
- On JavaScript section, click “Enable JavaScript for all sites (Recommended)”
- Click “Finish”
- Go to Main Menu and select “Edit” (On Macintosh select “Safari” to reach edit options
- Click on “Preferences from the window opened
- Select “Security” tab and you will see options. Among the options opened, activate the “JavaScript” by clicking the box “Enable JavaScript”.