Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası is 83 years old.
YOĞURTCUOĞLU: “We were with you yesterday, we are with you today and we will be with you tomorrow”
Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası General Manager and Executive Board Member İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu has published a written statement regarding the 83th Anniversary of Limasol Bankası and informed the public about bank’s past, present and future. Starting with “Easier said than done, there is 83-year-old past, a rooted and esteemed foundation. How happy it is for us to be a member of a foundation exceptional of such.” Yoğurtcuoğlu highlighted not only 83-years’ experience but also the spirit of cooperativeness conducted by Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası. On the other hand, stating the importance of digitalism and technological innovation for the future of the banking sector, İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu highlighted the importance of the on-the-job trainings for enhancing the service quality along with client satisfaction: “Therefore, we essentially base our investments on technology and human resources, that would carry us to the future with determination.”
The Most Established Local Bank of North Cyprus Turns 83 Today.
Carrying out her statements that today the most established local bank of Cyprus has completed 83 years of service, İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu reminded that the first steps of the Bank was founded in Limassol in 1939. Highlighted that Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası was adapted to British Colonial Period, Republic of Cyprus, Cyprus Turkish Federal State and TRNC periods successfully, Yoğurtcuoğlu said “Be them long term or short term, all Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası staff are carrying out their labours with the excitement and motivation they inherited from 83 years ago and striving to carry the achievements and successes with strengthened devotion.” Stressing that Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası embraces the rules and principles of banking services at all times along with preserving the spirit of cooperativeness, Yoğurtcuoğlu said that all personnel cadre in Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası creates the synthesis of banking and cooperativeness and works with their best efforts to enhance the prosperity and economy of their clients, shareholders and personnel and they will continue to do so in the upcoming years.
“Almost 20.000 Shareholders and 34 Thousand Clients”
Reminding that there are 3 different bank groups are present in the TRNC Banking Sector, İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu said “Our Bank is in Private-Equity Banks Group and holds a very good position among 21 others. In this hard time as we increased our active scale, client numbers and equities; we currently have an active scale over 4,5 billion along with almost 20,000 shareholders, 34 thousand clients and equities over 200 million.” Yoğurtcuoğlu stated that Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası currently offers its services to Turkish Cypriot people and clients at 14 branches spread to all country regions and with personnel cadre of 250; along with other corporate assets.
“How we achieved is of importance”
Stressing that how Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası achieved its successful position is of very importance, Yoğurtcuğlu detailed her statements:
“LOYALTY; cooperative roots of our bank, loyal ground shareholders and the structure of clients is a very important factor in overcoming all obstacles encountered”
VISION – DEVOTION – EXPERTISE; at breaking points which raised the bank is the devotion of the term’s bank authorities, their correct vision put forward and bank personnel who adopted their bank at all costs.
SYTHESIS AND CONSOLIDATION WITH THE COMMUNITY; The synthesis created between the cooperativeness spirit and contemporary banking along with our care for the community we live in and social atmosphere have been the propulsive force in overcoming the hard times.
“We Will Carry Out with 83-Years’ Experience”
Reminding that the pandemic spread around the globe in 2020 has affected our country in terms of socio-economic ways which left visible scars; Yoğurtcuoğlu said “There is no need to mention how Covid-19 pandemic seriously affected all sectors and all parts of the community, because the point we came is visible today. We, however, turned this –almost- still period into an advantage and adapted a system which meets clients’ needs more successfully and responds their using habits and put the New Generation Banking Programme into force, which we accept as a milestone in the history of digital innovations of our bank’s history. This system meets the clients’ needs more successfully and responds their using habits. I should mention at this point that we will continue to work with the guideline of 83-years’ experience and the strength we take from our established past to serve our clients along with leaving an honourable heritage for the next generations.”
“Investment in Humans is Investment in the Future”
Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası General Manager and Executive Board Member İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu highlighted that the investments in humans is as of importance as the investments in technology and said “We care for humans the most and invest in the humans the most. Because effective team work and communication is crucially critic for us. Therefore, we constantly develop our vision towards the training for more effective and prosperous use of technology, enhancement in service quality and client satisfaction. While providing updated knowledge via training to our labourers on one hand, on the hand we also gather with the young population and conduct seminars which would contribute to their educational lives.”
“We Care for the Improvement in the TRNC Finance Sector”
Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası General Manager and Executive Board Member İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu stated that:
“Determining their aims, Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası always orients and will orient its focus on the client satisfaction. We, as yesterday and today, will strive to do all we can to contribute into the finance sector in TRNC so that it can raise a voice in the international arena. We will put our best effort for our labourers, clients, shareholders and all stakeholders for the best.”
“It’s not the Quantity, It’s the Quality”
Said, “It’s not only the quantity, but the quality as well” İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu added: As a reflection of such perspective, our priorities is to be occupied by the value we care for the community that we are living in. It is of a crucial importance for us to walk this path with our clients and other shareholders, hand in hand for very long-term and with a healthy relationship. Hence, we are proud to observe that the training educations, health, sports, environment and culture-arts themed social responsibility projects are very appreciated by all levels of the community.”
Last Words
Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası General Manager and Executive Board Member İlkin Yoğurtcuoğlu reminded that Limasol Bankası is an 83-year old establishment and ended her statement:
“Conveying my biggest gratitude to all former Executive Board Presidents and members, labourers, executives, authorities as well as the current Executive Board President and members who took part in the established history of our Bank as well as our esteemed labourers who set the base for the success of our occupational competence in the sector, our valuable shareholders, dear clients and our Union; I also express my feelings for late persons, may they rest in peace.
We would like to express that as Limasol Bankası, we are to continue creating precious assets with our shareholders, clients, labourers and other stakeholders with the strength we get from our past without changing our values. As concluding my statement, I wish that may this anniversary of 83 years in the sector bring joy and prosperity along with great achievements for all country and community.”