Limasol Bankası Holds Turkish Sign Language (TİD) Awareness Seminar.

Limasol Bankası Family attended to Turkish Sign Language (TİD) Awareness Seminar on 3rd December World Disability Day.

Limasol Bankası Held Turkish Sign Language (TİD) Awareness Seminar.

Caring 3rd December World Disability Day along with other special days, Limasol Bankası went into a collaborated activity with KİKEV (Cyprus Hearing and Speaking Impaired People Negotiations Foundation).

With its slogan “To be the Voice of the Silence of Hearts with No Disability”, KİKEV presented a seminar at Limasol Bankası.

Held at the Limasol Bankası Culture Hall, the seminar was attended by Limasol Bankası Deputy General Manager Müzeyyen Öztürler, Corporate Communication Manager İpek Halim, Human Resources Deputy Manager Selcen Ergüven and staff of the bank of all units in all branches.

In the seminar, Dr Emrah Soykan, teacher and TID translator at KIKEV delivered important information on the importance of sign language as KIKEV Head of Board of Trustees Bahire Coskuner Doğru delivered the activities of the foundation and her experiences.

Prior to the seminar, KIKEV President Bahire Coşkuner Doğru stated in her speech that in the seminar held at Limasol Bankası, the Bank management, its managers and employees welcomed KIKEV with great concern. Said “Be our hands turn into our voice” Doğru indicated that they are aiming to raise an awareness within the public to spread the sign language and these seminars will carry on.

In his presentation, Dr. Emrah Soykan, teacher and TID translator at KIKEV stated the importance of the sign language during our daily lives. Soykan also taught the Turkish Sign Language (TİD) alphabet to the participants.

Seminar ended with photo shoot and deliverance of the plates.