Client Satisfaction

    1. Please score your satisfaction level regarding the following in terms of the service you are provided at Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası.

    LTKB answers client expectations

    LTKB attends its customers with concern

    LTKB has a good quality in terms of cost – service providing:

    LTKB is credible

    LTKB is aware of the market

    2- When compared with other banks that you have accounts, please score your satisfaction level for Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası.

    3- Please mention the feature you like the most of Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası

    4- Please mention your thoughts on the issue you believe Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası is criticised the most for and/or should develop.

    5- Would you recommend Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası to other businesses / individuals?

    If your answer is “No” please inform us about the reasons.

    6- Please mention the primarily three banks you are working with except Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası, and please inform us about your reasons.



    Loan limits granted are higher

    More cost-effective

    Products offered suits my needs more

    I receive a better service

    There is a closest branch to my workplace


    If you chose “Other”, please explain:

    Your Branch

    1- Please score your branch regarding the following explanations between 1 – 3 (1 I am not pleased/ 2 I am pleased / 3 I am very pleased)

    Guidance at the entrance of the branch

    The environmental order/clearness/hygiene of the branch

    Sufficient quantity of waiting plots

    General review of the branch

    2- How long do you wait before you receive any service at your branch?

    Less than 5 minutes (please carry on to question number 4)

    5 to 10 minutes please carry on to question number 3

    More than 10 minutes please carry on to question number 3

    3- Do we apologize for keeping you waiting?

    4- Do we greet you with warmheartedly?

    5- Do we comprehend your needs and offer proper solutions?

    6- Are we able to answer all your questions with details and comprehensibly?

    7- Please choose among the following products of Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası that suit you the most.

    Cash Management (cheques, transactions etc.)

    Electronic Banking

    Foreign Commerce (Import / Export, Letter of Credits etc)

    Foreign Currency Operations

    Loans (Short Term, Long term etc.)


    Investment Products (Deposit Accounts. Funds etc.)

    8- Please score your satisfaction level for the products that you are currently using. Please leave any product bar empty, if you are not using that product.

    Cash Management (cheques, transactions etc.)

    Electronic Banking

    Foreign Commerce (Import / Export, Letter of Credits etc)

    Foreign Currency Operations

    Loans (Short Term, Long term etc.)


    Investment Products (Deposit Accounts. Funds etc.)

    9- Please score the service offered to you by our Sales Managers in terms of the following features.

    Courtesy and Favour

    The competence of finding the best solutions for your needs

    The information provided regarding the products offered by Limasol Türk Kooperatif Bankası

    The information regarding the unit you would need to call for your questions or problems

    Follow-up methods by phone on a regular basis for your needs

    10- Please score your satisfaction level regarding the loan process

    The duration of the loan process

    The loan limit granted

    The evaluation of the security deposits


    Documents for import and export


    Real Estate Properties


    If you chose other, please specify.

    11- Please explain your reasons if you are not pleased of the loan process.

    12- You can add your comments on the answers you conveyed above. We would be pleased to hear from you more.